Since we released our book, From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams , in late 2018, we have learned even more that we would like to share. While many found isolation, we found stronger connections. While some found remote agile work overwhelming, we found simplicity.

To simplify how I share those stories and help you connect with others on similar stories, I'm moving this newsletter to Substack. Substack simplifies the writing process for me and allows me to introduce you to others with similar questions and with some unique stories of how they continue to work well remotely.

Also, I want to keep your privacy simple. I'm not importing the entire list of people here on ConvertKit over to SubStack. I'm a big believer in choice and I hope you'll join me in the new home for this newsletter.

Go well where ever you go.


P.S. If you are wondering about the name change, I want to share more than remote agile work.  Over the last three years, I’ve learned that people need a more fundamental understanding of agile and lean thinking.  You don’t often get that in a class.  So I hope to fill some of those gaps for you here.  Stay tuned.