Today, I want to appreciate someone more local to me: Sarah Baca. Sarah joined Agile Orlando in January 2014 and immediately raised her hand to help. She has not stopped since and has been a tremendous help in growing and supporting the Agile Orlando community.

If Sarah was standing in front of me right now, I would say that I appreciate …

  • That you jumped into Agile Orlando
  • That you are willing to find ways to help people work better together be it through agile principles, brain science, or anything that helps improve our working lives (and understanding the connection between the other lives we lead between family, friends, and community.)
  • That you are willing to try new things others suggest.
  • That you are willing to seek out others for how you can improve.
  • That you were willing to lead things you’ve never done before. You’ve taken this to “11” this year 🙂
  • That you are growing your coaching practice. I think you have a strong instinct for coaching and you should share it!
  • That you are always ready to cheer for others
  • That you ALSO do many things for your family and local community and try to balance those priorities daily

Thank you for all that you do for Agile Orlando and the example you set for many others.Mark Kilby and Sarah Baca.jpg
