(just sent this note out to the AgileOrlando community and thought it was worth sharing widely … I’ll post an update after the event)

This week is Orlando Tech Week and as part of that AgileOrlando a very special session tomorrow night called Adapting Your Agile Career.  I have asked several folks who have worked in agile teams and organizations to attend and share some of their insights in what helped them develop their agile career.  There will also be an opportunity for plenty of Q&A.

I would like to thank Iron Yard Orlando (@TheIronYard) for sponsoring the food and for Envy Labs (@envylabs) for providing the space.  Please RSVP so we have enough food and please invite friends who might be struggling with their job, might be job hunting, or looking for that next awesome gig.  This will be the place to get inspiration and ideas.

You can RSVP at http://meetu.ps/2wNR1M

I’ll be sharing via Twitter, LinkedIn, G+.  Please feel free to pass it on.
