Taking a break from book writing today,  I saw on Twitter there was a conversation in the open space at Scrum Gathering Minneapolis (#SGMSP18).

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For those of us who have been working remotely for years, there are actually several good options for online facilitation.  Some are adapting techniques you probably already know.  Others will require developing some unique skills and mindset for online facilitation.  I may write more about that if there is interest.

If you can’t wait for that, there are some training opportunities coming up:

Virtual Team Facilitation course – May 8-9 (online) by TeamCatapult (the group that help launch the facilitation training for ACI). Find out more at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-team-facilitation-may-2018-tickets-43477106195

The Savvy Virtual Facilitator by Line Mørback – starting May 9 and running weekly for 4 weeks.  I co-trained with Line a couple of years ago and she has excellent experience and insights to share.  You can find out more about Line’s course at https://www.workshopbutler.com/public/event/rrUEyKkR

Facilitating Virtual Collaboration – Sept 17-21 by the Grove.  If you have not heard of the Grove, they have had a long influence on facilitation.  More info about the course at http://www.grove.com/workshops_facilitatingVirtualCollaboration.php

and Lisette Sutherland lists several related remote courses on her Collaboration Superpowers site.  Also, congratulations to Lisette on the launch of her book, Work Together Anywhere.  It has a fascinating collection of stories and insights on different kinds of remote teams.

By the way, I get nothing for sharing this from any of the course organizers (other than some good karma perhaps).  My goal is to let you know that there are great resources for you to go remote or be a better remote organization.

More to come.