Agile Coach Camp is not just for agile coaches. It is for anyone who wants to build their knowledge and connections within the agile community. But you may have a few questions.Join Me at Agile Coach Camp

What is Agile Coach Camp?

In a nutshell, Agile Coach Camp is an event that provides many opportunities to a scrum master, product owner, agile coach or any agile leader looking to grow their knowledge. Maybe you are the sole agile leader in your organization. Perhaps you are one of several coaches or scrum masters looking for new ideas. Then Agile Coach Camp is for you.

On Saturday and Sunday, we open the day by having participants propose conversations they would like to have and those who are interested can join. Think of the best hallway conversations you had at a traditional conference and now imagine having multiple high-value conversations for an entire weekend. This is the Open Space Technology format and what Agile Coach Camp is all about!

Friday is an optional day with a different format. This year, it’s all about games and gamification. Details should be on the Agile Coach Camp website soon.

Will I know anyone there?

More than likely! If you look at the Agile Coach Camp attendee list, you’ll see some names mentioned that you will recognize from other agile conferences. The difference is you will get to spend time talking with them in a more casual setting. No rushed Q&A sessions.

Even better, you will get to meet peers who face similar challenges. You’ll have a chance to build your network. Even better, you will build your own agile tribe.

How do I prepare for Agile Coach Camp?

First, think about what you want to discuss at Agile Coach Camp. This year’s theme is “Coaching Agility and Beyond”. What does that inspire for you? What do you hope to go beyond? For me, I want to talk about resonant teams and how agile can thrive in distributed environments (I have some great stories to share).

Second, think about who you might want in those conversations. Check the ACCUS attendee list to see if they going. Better yet, register and invite them to join you. Reach out via email, Twitter, LinkedIn Groups, G+, or what ever channel works for you. Keep in mind, the more visible you are in “inviting others into the conversation” the more that will join in. You may be surprised who joins in. Personally, I’m hoping George Dinwiddie comes and shares more about and that Doc List will share more facilitation patterns and anti-patterns. I’m thrilled that Don Gray and Esther Derby will be there and share more of the work on “coaching beyond the team”!

Third, focus on building your agile tribe. Don’t just attend sessions. Propose one or two. Hang out after hours or meet some new folks at breakfast. Use every opportunity to get to know every person you can and share. We all face struggles in our agile journey and the best way to find solutions can just be through sharing those struggles with others who understand your situation. You might just find several people who will carry some of those conversations with you beyond coach camp. That is your agile tribe.

Keep in mind that the hotel block ends Friday, August 29. and being at the coach camp hotel makes it much easier to engage in more conversations.

I hope you will join us at Agile Coach Camp. I hope that you will come build your agile tribe.