4759535950_7bca6684c8_bWith the passing of my friend Jean Tabaka in June 2016, I wanted to do something else to help remember her.  Of the numerous lessons I learned from Jean, I treasure the gift of appreciation the most and always try to share that gift with others.

So I’m starting today.  I may share one or more appreciations, but I think it’s important to recognize and celebrate those who have helped me and let them know how.

Also, when I had previously discussed the idea with a few folks, it was recommended I do not do it. In some cases, they felt it might seem like “name dropping” or schmoozing.  Those who know me well will realize that is not the intent.

Instead, I want people to realize:

  • Everyone is human whether you bump into them in your neighborhood, at work, or at a conference.  In any community of humans, appreciation is like watering a garden: it helps the community grow.  So make sure the appreciation is pure and honest.
  • You will discover that even thought leaders who podcast, blog, speak at conferences, write books, or organize communities are human too.  They may not realize how they have impacted someone’s life.  It’s important to let them know.  This helps drive them to share more great ideas.
  • It’s important to let others know how someone has impacted your life.  It might inspire them to do something similar for the next person they bump into.
  • On a personal blog like this, you can be … personal.  I hope you can share similar messages on your personal blog.

I hope you do more than read this series.  I hope it inspires you to share some “thankful thursday” messages – even once in a while is ok.  If you don’t feel like sharing publicly, that’s ok too.  I realize it’s difficult for some people.  At least share with the person you appreciate.

Also, if you could, let me know you did it.  You don’t have to share the message if you prefer not to.  But just let me know on Twitter with #ThankfulThursday or use the contact link on this blog to send me a quick note or feel free to connect on LinkedIn with a #ThankfulThursday notice.  I like appreciations too. 🙂