cropped-aoflogo-wideLater this month, I have the privilege of facilitating the Agile Open Florida 2015 conference.  Final preparations are well under way and we have sold out six weeks before the conference.  There is some personal preparation that would benefit everyone as well.  I’ll use the rest of this blog post to explain.

This year’s theme for Agile Open Florida is: No One Size Fits All

Who should come? And why? Anyone who has wrestled with the challenges of taking a team, a department, or an entire organization on an agile journey should attend.  This challenge is bigger than you.  You feel it is critical for you, your business, and your customers to “get this right”.  And there are so many things to get right.  So many questions to be answered.

But there is a catch.  There are many approaches to agile.  For teams, there are many choices such as Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Kanban.  At the enterprise level, frameworks such as Scaled Agile Framework, Disciplined Agile Delivery, LeSS and others all promise a path to success.  As some have discovered, there is even much more to consider around people, process and tools. What are your new paths on the agile road?  What can you share?  What questions do you still have?

Your Only Preparation: Reflect on the theme above to inspire and identify topics you would like to discuss.

Our Promise:  This is not a traditional conference. There will be no keynote speakers, power point or panel discussions. Plan to spend a full day connecting with others who share your passion and are willing to take responsibility for what they believe in and care about around following a path to agility. We will build the agenda together, all ideas and topics you identify will be discussed. Everything will be documented and proceedings will be available within 24 hours after the event.

I look forward to seeing you there and holding the space for you to have these conversations.

In Gratitude:  I would like to thank my co-organizers: Stephanie Davis, Ryan Dorrell, and Alex Kanaan.  I would also like to thank Suzanne Daigle and Ainsley Nies for the consistent support and advice in how to hold the space.  You all are helping to make this a tremendous event.  Finally, I would like to thank Diana Weber.  While you cannot be at this event Diana, you are with us all in spirit and looking forward to when you can hold the space.