Over this first half of 2020, most of the world now knows what long-time remote workers have known for years:

Remote amplifies.

Remote does amplify some obvious things like distance.  But until the last few months, only a few realized that distance is a lever, not the outcome of being remote.

First, remote amplifies your connection to others.  If you have a very well-connected group or team, you will find any way you can to stay connected to that team.  They are part of your work and your life.  You celebrate together and you face challenges together.  

Some of the strongest work relationships I’ve built over the last 6 years are with people I’ve spent little time with in the same location.  But we connect often online as we collaborate on different efforts.  Working remote actually makes it easier for us to reach out to each other.  We don’t have to wait until we “see” each other again.

Remote amplifies those relationships.

If you are not well-connected to members of your work group, remote feels more distant.  You don’t find clarity or purpose in your work.  You feel more isolated.  You wonder if you are making a difference.

Remote amplifies those gaps.

Also, those of us who have the resources, skills and desire to work online find many interesting opportunities to collaborate on new work and new projects.  We see possibilities.

Remote amplifies those possibilities.

Some have not had the opportunities to build those skills, don’t have the resources, and have had no prior opportunities for a gentle introduction to remote work by choice. These people feel disoriented, incapable, struggling and without hope.

Remote amplifies those gaps.

As we in the USA prepare for a very unusual Independence Day, consider how you have used your independence and what you have allowed remote to amplify. 

Want to learn more? Join me in one of my workshops.