Thank-You-word-cloud-1024x791Over the last week in the USA, there has been a welcome sentiment of gratitude from last Thursday’s Thanksgiving holiday to #GivingTuesday. Since I’m involved in a few communities, I just wanted to take a moment to thank those who have helped me support others in 2015.

First, for those who have helped AgileOrlando “level up” in 2015:

For my friends in the Agile Florida community:

For my friends in the Open Space Technology community (especially Suzanne Daigle, Michael Herman, Ainsley Nies and Diana Weber). I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and spirit and showing me new ways to serve by holding space at AgileOpenFlorida 2015 and beyond.

For my friends in the Agile community (too numerous to mention), I appreciate those of you who nudge the community to grow instead of pushing an agenda. I especially appreciate the support, collaboration, and learning this year with Esther Derby, Don Gray, Diana Larsen, Johanna Rothman, Woody Zuill and Ryan Ripley.

Next, to my new friends in the new DATFlock community, especially Lisette Sutherland, Lucius Bobikiewicz, Jim Benson, Tonianne DeMaria-Barry, and David Horowitz. We are truly improving the world of work by building successful distributed agile teams. Ideas are still buzzing from #DATFlock2015 in Berlin. Let’s keep sharing and collaborating.

For my colleagues at Sonatype, thank you for this opportunity to collaborate in building a successful distributed agile ecosystem to serve our customers. I’m especially grateful for the collaboration with Mike Hansen, Jamie Whitehouse, and Jeffry Hesse. Looking forward to taking it up another notch.

Finally, to my beautiful wife Chris and my three wonderful children: you teach me every day how to innovate and explore.  Plus,  you are always there for me whether my experiments succeed or fail.  It’s one of the many reasons I love you all.

If you have read this far, you may be thinking about those you should thank.  Reach out to them today and share your gratitude.