You may have noticed some small changes to my blog. A new look and a few things rearranged. Also, a new newsletter is available as well.

This is all in preparation for release of our Distributed Agile Teams book

The e-book is available now on Leanpub and we should have print versions available on Amazon in April.

Meanwhile, expect more on this blog and the newsletter. One of the themes we needed to cut out of the book so it was not overwhelming was how to facilitate distributed teams. I’m using “facilitate” to refer to meetings as well as generally “holding the space” for teams to collaborate and create.

Also, I have some online webinars, podcasts and some speaking engagements coming up (e.g. Mile High Agile 2019 here I come!).

Stay tuned for more updates to help you help your distributed (and collocated) teams be successful. 🙂