Agile2014-AA-Homepage-Banner Agile2014 is right around the corner (both in time and geography for me).  While my submissions did not get accepted earlier this year, I’m actually somewhat glad.  As some of you know, I’ve made some shifts in my agile coaching and I have some new thoughts to share.

Some people picked up yesterday that I submitted three lightning talks to Agile2014.  Essentially, I wanted to share three different concepts with the community and I’ll do more of that soon from this blog.  For now, I wanted to provide a bit more context about the talks and what I’m working on.

  • Pecha Kucha: Are we approaching the software assembly line? – in this talk, I want to expose some new ideas on the use of open source components, how it’s moving us more toward the software assembly line and some of the key pitfalls we see at my new company Sonatype.  It was eye opening to me what I have learned from my new colleagues and I would like to share it with the agile community.   You can see more about that topic with a recent blog post from one of my colleagues, Ryan Berg.
  • Lightning Talk: Remotely Agile? – This talk is focused on how we use agile principles and practices at Sonatype.  What is unique is that we are all remote.  How do we collaborate daily?  How do we plan, coordinate, review and retrospect?  How do we coordinate across multiple teams when there is no “team space”?  This talk focuses on how we live up to the 12 principles of the agile manifesto and how “face-to-face” might need a new definition.
  • Lightning Talk: Will my band stay together? – Over the last 2 years, a colleague and I have been evolving a model to determine how game changing teams form and stay together.  So how would you go beyond Tuckman’s forming-storming-norming-performing and Dan Pink’s motivators of autonomy, mastery and purpose to determine if your team/group/band will stay together?

While these talks will be short (5-7min), happy to continue the conversations in Open Jam during the conference.  Also, I’m not expecting all 3 topics to make it.  There are already several other great topics that I’ve voted on. I’d be happy to talk about any of my topics and will continue to blog on all three in the future.  Just vote for the one you would like to hear more about.  Thanks!