How to build your tribe at Agile Coach Camp Aug 24, 2014 Community How to build your tribe at Agile Coach Camp Agile Coach Camp is not just for agile coaches. It is for anyone who wants to build their knowledge and connections within the agile community.
Agile2014 - Let's Build a Better Tribe Aug 13, 2014 Agile Agile2014 - Let's Build a Better Tribe It’s been 12 days since Agile2014 ended and I’m still struggling to answer the most frequently asked question from colleagues and agile enthusiasts:
My advice for attending Agile2014 Jul 26, 2014 Agile My advice for attending Agile2014 A new attendee to Agile2014 contacted me and asked me what they should look for in next week’s conference. Here is my response: 1.
Why 3 Agile2014 Lightning Talk submissions? Jul 16, 2014 Agile Why 3 Agile2014 Lightning Talk submissions? Agile2014 is right around the corner (both in time and geography for me). While my submissions did not get accepted earlier this year, I’m
Reflecting on Agile Open Florida Jul 14, 2014 Agile Florida Community Reflecting on Agile Open Florida It’s been over 2 weeks since Agile Open Florida happened and I’m still buzzing with the possibilities of where Florida can go next.