Why my Distributed Agile countdown for Agile2018 is 8-3-2-1 Aug 3, 2018 Agile hybrid-remote Remote Remotely Agile team-types Why my Distributed Agile countdown for Agile2018 is 8-3-2-1 I know it’s been quiet on this blog, but much has happened behind the scenes. In fact, there has been a countdown happening as
FYI - Virtual facilitation options beyond #SGMSP18 Apr 17, 2018 Facilitation Remote remote-facilitation Remotely Agile FYI - Virtual facilitation options beyond #SGMSP18 Taking a break from book writing today, I saw on Twitter there was a conversation in the open space at Scrum Gathering Minneapolis (#SGMSP18). For
Create your Distributed Team’s Workspace with These Six Tools Apr 7, 2018 hybrid-remote Remote remote-basics Remotely Agile Create your Distributed Team’s Workspace with These Six Tools Many people ask me what is the best tool for distributed agile teams. It’s the wrong question. What many people miss is that a
Is there a better way to talk about distributed teams? May 23, 2016 hybrid-remote Remote remote-basics Remotely Agile team-types Is there a better way to talk about distributed teams? There is an enormous amount written about distributed teams and I find most of it very frustrating. It’s not that the observations or the
What's the Secret Joy of Working Remote? May 22, 2016 Choice hybrid-remote Remote remote-basics Remotely Agile WIIFM What's the Secret Joy of Working Remote? While speaking recently at a conference, I realized two important things about the nature of remote work. First, I choose to work remotely. Second, many